NDU Learning Technology Sessions

The intent of the Information Gathering Sessions by Blackboard Consulting is to collect data about NDU, our current state with respect to technology, our future goals and aspirations, and how the colleges contribute toward the University fulfilling its mission.  

During these sessions the consulting team will focus on the big-picture view of NDU’s technology ecosystem, talking with students and faculty and the organizations that support them. The team will use this information to examine how technology will help us achieve our goals. 

Their analysis will help us better understand our current technology environment, and make recommendations regarding how the University can and could use technology to accomplish its educational mission.


  • How does the current technology support the students?  
  • How does it allow my organization to teach and to support the students?  
  • What would your ideal technology world look like?  
  • How could technology enable you to accomplish your mission?


Date Time Group Meeting Space Location
 Tues., April 7  0715 Dean's Council AA Conference Room w/ VTC 3rd Floor, AA Suite, Marshall Hall
   1015 Joint Education Topics AA Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, AA Suite, Marshall Hall
   1200 Student Focus Group Library Conference Room w/ Collaborate Session
3rd Floor, Library, Marshall Hall
   1330 COO Meeting McNair Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, Command Group, Marshall Hall
   1430 Faculty Advisory Council Library Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, Library, Marshall Hall
 Wed., April 8 0800 CASL CASL Situation Room w/ VTC
1st Floor, CASL Suite, Lincoln Hall
  0930 Institutional Research
Library Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, Library, Marshall Hall
  1200  ACE WG (IMOs) Library Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, Library, Marshall Hall
  1400 Registrars Library Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, Library, Marshall Hall
  1500   ISMO ISMO Space w/ VTC
1st Floor, ISMO Suite, Marshall Hall
 Thurs., April 9 0800 Security Security Offices w/ VTC
1st Floor, Security Suite, Marshall Hall
  0930 ITD-EA ITD Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, ITD, Lincoln Hall
  1000  ITD-CIO ITD Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, ITD, Lincoln Hall
  1200 Faculty Focus Group Library Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, Library, Marshall Hall
  1400  Libraries Library Conference Room w/ VTC
3rd Floor, Library, Marshall Hall
  1500 TBD TBD


NDU Academic Support
(202) 685-3739