A "System of Records" (SOR) includes all records -- regardless of storage medium -- under the control of a Department of Defense (DoD) Component from which personal information about an individual is retrieved by the name of the individual, or by some other identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned, that is unique to the individual.
DoD publishes in the Federal Register a "System of Records Notice" (SORN), to provide public information on each SOR maintained on individuals who are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence. Each SORN includes its Federal Register publication date.
To view SORNs filed with the Defense Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency Division (DPCLD), click on the links below:
"Blanket Routine Uses" of information governed by the Privacy Act and contained in DoD-maintained SORs have been established, which apply to all records in all DoD systems, unless specifically exempted. See DPCLD's list of Blanket Routine Uses.
SORN Exemptions
The head of a DoD Component may exempt certain records from the provisions of the Privacy Act, most notably those involving the release of information that by its nature would interfere with critical processes and/or expose the identity of a confidential source. The DPCLD processes Privacy Act exemption requests for DoD Components concurrent with the Component's SORN submission. For more information on Privacy Act exemptions, see DPCLD's Exemption Application Chart