News from NDU

News | Feb. 24, 2017

Petraeus Speaks at INSS 'Changing Character of War' Symposium

On Friday, February 24th from 1430-1600, General David Petraeus, former Director of the CIA, was the featured speaker in the Changing Character of War symposium hosted by the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS). 

General Petraeus spoke candidly on irregular war, large-scale conventional conflict, organizational architecture, and good management and oversight practices to a packed crowd of students, faculty, staff and colleagues from our think thank and defense communities.  The discussion was moderated by Dr. Chris Lamb, INSS Distinguished Research Fellow.    

The Changing Character of War Symposium series is an ongoing national security and strategy discussion offered on a monthly basis at the National Defense University.  The event hosts national and international thought leaders in a moderated discussion on their views about the changing character of war.  The basic assumption for this series is that, although the nature of war remains constant (unpredictable, uncertain, and filled with fog and friction), the character of war is being dramatically changed, particularly by the accelerating pace of technological advances. 

The symposium runs for 90 minutes and is conducted in a fireside chat format.  It begins with a series of questions from the moderator and then transitions to questions from the audience.  There is no press and the event is off the record and held under Chatham House Rule.

The Changing Character of War Symposium series has featured LTG H.R. McMaster, then Director of ARCIC; Gen. Paul J. Selva, VCJCS; ADM Harry Harris, CDR USPACOM; GEN Vincent Brooks, CDR USFK; and LTG Kenneth McKenzie, Director for Strategic Plans and Policy (J5). 
Join INSS for the next discussion in the Changing Character of War series on March 20, 2017 with GEN Curtis Scaparrotti, Commander of USEUCOM and SACEUR.  Watch for NDU-wide community announcements for additional information.   

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