News from NDU

News | Feb. 9, 2015

Center for Complex Operations Releases PRISM Volume 5, Number 2

PRISM is a security studies journal chartered to inform members of U.S. Federal Agencies, Allies, and other partners on complex and integrated national security operations; reconstruction and nation building; relevant policy and strategy; lessons learned; and developments in training and education to transform America’s security and development apparatus to meet tomorrow’s challenges better while promoting freedom today.

Volume 5, Number 2 includes the following articles: 

"The Tswalu Dialog," by Michael Miklaucic
"On the State of Peace and Security in Africa, by Olusegun Obasanjo
"Emerging Risks and Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for the American Agenda of Peace and Security, Democracy and Governance, Economic Growth and Development," by Jeffrey Herbst & Greg Mills
"Security Threats Facing Africa and its Capacity to Respond," by Paul Collier
"Shaping Africa’s Peace and Security Partnerships for the 21st Century," by Amanda Dory
"Upcoming Inflection Point," by Phillip Carter & Ryan Guard
"The Recurrent Security Crises in Mali and the Role of the African Union," by Pierre Buyoya
"Dynamics of Conflict Management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Malawi and the Force Intervention Brigade," by Clement Namangale
"Somaliland: Where there has been Conflict but no Intervention," by Rakiya Omaar & Saeed Mohamoud
"Lessons from Colombia for Fighting the Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria," by Afeikhena Jerome
"The African Development Bank’s Support to Post Conflict States," by Sunita Pitamber
"The Soldier and the Street," by Marie Besançon & Stephen Dalzell