Contact: Daniel Magalotti
Acting Public Affairs Officer
National Defense University
(Washington DC) The National Defense University (NDU) will be welcoming new commandants on 30 July, 31 July, and 1 August for three of its colleges. Brigadier General Guy “Tom” Cosentino, United States Army, will assume duties as the Commandant of the National War College (NWC) at 0900 on 30 July. The Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy (ES), which will hold its ceremony on 31 July at 0900, will be led by Brigadier General Thomas A. Gorry, United States Marine Corps. Finally, Rear Admiral John W. Smith Jr., United States Navy, will become Commandant of the Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) in Norfolk, Virginia at 0900 on 1 August.
BG Cosentino will relieve Ambassador James Foley, who has been serving as Interim Commandant since Rear Admiral Douglas McAneny’s departure this past spring. The new Commandant arrives at NDU after serving as Deputy Director for Political-Military Affairs for the Middle East, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J-5). Prior to the Joint Staff, BG Cosentino was Deputy Commander for Regional Support, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan and Senior Military Assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. He has a Bachelor of Science from the University of the State of New York and master’s degrees from Georgetown University and the Naval War College. Additionally, BG Cosentino is currently a PhD student at the University of Maryland. He will be the 28th Commandant of the National War College.
The Eisenhower School, previously called the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and currently led by Interim Commandant Colonel Harry Dorsey, Esq., USA (Ret.), welcomes Brigadier General Gorry, who was previously commander of Marine Corps Installations East. Other previous tours of duty include United States Forces-Afghanistan J3 Director in Kabul and head of the Combat Logistics Regiment-37 and Camp Commander, Camp Kinser, Marine Corps Bases Japan. BGen Gorry holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He holds master’s degrees from the National War College, Central Michigan University, and Webster University. BGen Gorry will be the Eisenhower School’s 42nd Commandant.
Finally, as Major General Joseph Ward departs for Army Air Force Exchange to serve as Deputy Director, Rear Admiral Smith, who just completed his tour as the Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo, will join the JFSC team on August 1st. Prior to this assignment, RDML Smith was Deputy Director, Joint Interagency Task Force South, Chief of Staff for Navy Cyber Forces, Commander of Joint Crew Composite Squadron One in Baghdad, and Joint Force Maritime Air Component Commander for Joint Task Force Katrina. RDML Smith holds a bachelor’s degree from South Carolina State College and a master’s degree from the Eisenhower School. He will be JFSC’s 31st Commandant.
National Defense University President Major General Gregg F. Martin and the entire NDU staff, faculty, and student communities, welcome this new team of leaders at the University. As NDU begins a new academic year on 9 August, MG Martin is confident that BG Cosentino, BGen Gorry, and RDML Smith will build upon the great work of their predecessors.
NDU is the premier national security institution focused on advanced joint warfighter education, leader development, and scholarship. The University provides rigorous Joint Professional Military Education to members of the U.S. Armed Forces and select others in order to develop leaders who have the ability to operate and creatively think in an unpredictable and complex world. For more information about the National Defense University, please contact: Daniel Magalotti, Acting Public Affairs Officer, at 202-685-3140 or; or visit