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Press Release | July 15, 2014

African Leadership Development Symposium


Contact: Nelly Mobula

Acting Public Affairs Officer

National Defense University


(Washington DC) On Friday, July 18, 2014, the Director of the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University welcomes a Lincoln Symposium panel of experts to discuss African Leadership Development. This event is open to members of the University, friends in the local national security community, and the African diaspora community. The event will be videotaped.

The goal of this forum is to ignite a passion for leadership growth in leaders at home, work, and in the community, so that these leaders can empower the next generation of African leaders to innovate, inspire, and reignite hope back into the African psyche. This is critical to creating a more secure and prosperous society. To support this need, TIDES Africa Initiative SMEs will provide recommendations on how U.S. Strategic leaders could work with host governments, U.S. agencies, and the private sector to help them adopt and implement leadership policies, regulatory and other reforms necessary to instill and ignite passion for leadership growth.

CTNSP is a Department of Defense-funded think tank that conducts research and analysis on emerging trends in science and technology, strategic forecasting, and program assessment. The Center divides these efforts into five distinct lines of operation: Advanced Education Initiatives, Civil Military Affairs Integration (CMAI), Emerging Challenges, Life Sciences, Science & Technology. In support of its mission, the Center delivers technical studies, program reviews, senior workshops, electronic data products, inter-agency exercises, expert consultation, and a variety of outreach activities.

For more information on the CTNSP Disaster Apps Challenge, contact Nelly Mobula at 202-685-1971 or

NDU is the premier national security institution focused on advanced joint education, leader development, and scholarship. The University provides rigorous Joint Professional Military Education to members of the U.S. Armed Forces and select others in order to develop leaders who have the ability to operate and creatively think in an unpredictable and complex world. For more information about the National Defense University, please contact: Sam Marrero ( or Eirene Busa (, Acting Public Affairs Officers, at 202-685-3140.