The 2020 National Defense University (NDU) graduation ceremonies will be conducted virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The five college ceremonies will be broadcast separately via Livestream on Thursday, June 11. The official video ceremonies will begin at 1000.
The University's five colleges will confer certificates and Masters degrees on approximately 718 students.
General Mark A. Milley, USA, the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, will be this year's keynote speaker.
Degrees will be conferred upon students by NDU President Vice Admiral Fritz Roegge, USN, NDU Provost Dr. John W. Yaeger (CAPT, USN, Ret.), and the commandants and chancellors of the colleges:
About NDU
National Defense University is a strategic national resource that prepares senior leaders to think and operate effectively at the highest levels of decision making in an increasingly dynamic, complex, and unpredictable international security environment. It does this by preparing students to understand, develop, and employ strategies that incorporate all elements of national power. This premiere senior leader development is made possible by the University's holistic approach and unique combination of curriculum, location, and student/faculty diversity. Graduates have developed an understanding of the canon of strategic theory and are able to apply and creatively adapt this knowledge to current and future security challenges.