National Defense University (NDU) held its 2022 graduation ceremonies for the university's four Washington, D.C.-based colleges on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. The recorded event is available on Livestream. The keynote speaker was the 12th Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Christopher W. Grady.
"In the face of this changing world, we must rely on our Joint Force, our Allies, and our partners in government and beyond to produce the highest caliber of leader our nations require. We must demand of these leaders the critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and strategic vision necessary to deter our adversaries and secure a peaceful future," keynote speaker VCJCS Adm. Grady told the graduates. "Make no mistake: your NDU education is a uniquely valuable investment in our national security, in our mutual interests, and in the preservation of our accepted global order," Grady said.
The University's four north campus colleges conferred certificates and Masters degrees on more than 700 students. Degrees were conferred by NDU President Lieutenant General Michael T. Plehn, USAF, NDU Interim Provost Dr. Cynthia Watson, and the Commandants and Chancellors of the colleges:
The 2022 graduation ceremony for the NDU's Norfolk, Va.-based Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) was held on Friday, June 17 at 9:00 a.m., and broadcast via Livestream. JFSC Commandant Brigadier General Voris W. McBurnette conferred Masters degrees on approximately 43 Joint Advanced Warfighting School (JAWS) students. Lt. Gen. Scott Kindsvater, USAF (Ret.) was the keynote speaker.
CISA also conferred master’s degrees on 37 graduates of its Joint Special Operations Master of Arts (JSOMA) program at Fort Bragg on June 3. The JSOMA graduation keynote speaker was Vice Admiral Collin Green, USN, Deputy Commander, USSOCOM.
About NDU
National Defense University is a strategic national resource that prepares senior leaders to think and operate effectively at the highest levels of decision making in an increasingly dynamic, complex, and unpredictable international security environment. It does this by preparing students to understand, develop, and employ strategies that incorporate all elements of national power. This premiere senior leader development is made possible by the University's holistic approach and unique combination of curriculum, location, and student/faculty diversity. Graduates have developed an understanding of the canon of strategic theory and are able to apply and creatively adapt this knowledge to current and future security challenges.