NDU Faculty and Staff On-boarding Knowledge Base

Faculty Titling and Promotion


Academic Policies


Joint Staff Mandatory Annual Training Compliance

In addition to completing on-boarding and annual cybersecurity training in JKO, all NDU military personnel, Title 5 and Title 10 civilians, and contractors are required to complete Annual Mandatory Training Courses (AMTCs) in JKO, as assigned each year by the Joint Staff (JS) Training Coordinator: 

JKO courses are updated by their Offices of Primary Responsibility beginning in late Fall each year, and updated courses are published in the early Spring of the following year (the "training" year);
The JS JKO Training Coordinator determines which of the updated courses will comprise the JS-AMTC requirements for the training year; and,
The JS JKO Training Coordinator annually assigns JS-AMTCs to JS employees by assigning courses to JS Audience groups in JKO.

EDIPI / CAC Number in JKO

Having an EDIPI (10-digit CAC number) correctly associated with your JKO Profile is essential to enabling NDU and the Joint Staff to associate each user with their completed coursework. However, users are not able to manually add their EDIPI to their JKO Profile during registration. 

On-boarding personnel who already hold a DoD CAC -- and who have their CAC inserted into a card reader that is connected to their computer when they register with JKO -- will have their EDIPI automatically "read onto" their profile.  

New hires who do not yet have a CAC -- and who initially register in JKO using the "Token Sponsor" method -- will need to have the JKO Helpdesk enter their new EDIPI into their JKO Profile once they receive their CAC. The JKO Helpdesk phone number is 757-203-5654.​​​​​​​​​